You're a Storyteller

You've found your basic orator type. Now find your sub-type.


In traditional sub-Saharan African cultures, they'd call you a griot.  He was a village’s keeper of memory—the historian, archivist, entertainer, propagandist, and resident wise man. He embodied CNN, Fox News, and Stephen King rolled up in one.

In your case, you’re the person with the story to tell, always. Your best tools can be found in the Sum-Up chapters. The focus of your memorable words should be on the moral of the story, the pay-off or takeaway of your tale. At the same time, learn your tropes carefully. A good story takes the listener to a different reality, and that’s what tropes are all about.

Famous Griots: George Lucas, Barbara Tuchman, Walter Cronkite, Winston Churchill, Patrick O’Brian, Harriett Beecher Stowe

Your Best Tools:

Belonging trope


Descriptive label



Sound symbolism


Venereal language



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